Praedicatores misericordiae (I): Henrik Seuse

I rammen av Ordenens jubileum og Barmhjertighetens år, vil vi i en serie poster kalt "praedicatores misericordiae" (barmhjertighetens forkynnere) presentere noen dominikanske helgeners tanker, ord og gjerninger knyttet til barmhjertighet, ettersom barmhjertigheten er så sentral i den dominikanske tradisjon. 

Først ut er den salige Henrik Seuse (Suso) (ca. 1295 - 1366), som Ordenen minnes 23. januar.

Han er en av de såkalte Rhinlandsmystikerne, og har mye til felles med Mester Eckhart og Johannes Tauler, begge dominikanere.

I hans "lille bok om den evige visdom", kan vi lese om Guds barmhjertighets uendelige dyp:

Eternal Wisdom says: Do you not know me? What! Are you fallen so low, or have you lost your senses, because of your great trouble, my tender child?
And yet it is I, the all-merciful Wisdom, I who have opened wide the abyss of infinite mercy, which is, however, hidden from all the saints, to receive you and all penitent hearts.
It is I, the sweet Eternal Wisdom, who became wretched and poor that I might guide you back again to your dignity. It is I, who suffered bitter death that I might bring you again to life.

Lo, here I am, pale, bloody, affectionate, as when suspended between you and the severe judgment of my Father, on the lofty gibbet of the cross. It is I, your brother. Behold, it is I, your bridegroom!
Everything that you ever didst against me will I wholly forget, as though it had never happened, provided only that you return to me, and never quit me more.
Wash yourself in my precious blood, lift up your head, open your eyes, and be of good cheer. Receive as a token of entire peace and complete expiation my wedding ring on your hand, receive your first robe, shoes on your feet, and the fond name of my bride for ever!
Lo, I have garnered you up with such bitter toil! Therefore, if the whole world were a consuming fire, and there lay in the midst of it a handful of flax, it would not, from its very nature, be so susceptible of the burning flame as the abyss of my mercy is ready to pardon a repentant sinner, and blot out his sins.
(The Little Book of Divine Wisdom, 1,5)